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Set Up the QuickBooks Pro Timer Payroll Export with TimeSource

KB0006: Set Up the QuickBooks Pro Timer Payroll Export with TimeSource


This error is most often experienced by users with a multi-user licenses. If you still have additional licenses available and receive this message a copy of TimeSource on a workstation has been registered more than once at the centralized database. Please use the following instructions to correct this problem.

  1. At the centralized database location (usually a folder on the server) delete the file TSUsers.mdb.

  2. At each of the work stations delete the file Report.mdb and if it exits TSUsers.mdb.

  3. From the TimeSource CD copy the file TCRept.mdb (located in TS\Support) to the directory where TimeSource is installed (Default location is C:\Program Files\TsourceV7).

  4. Locate TcRept.mdb in the directory you just copied it to and do a right mouse click on it. Select Properties. From the Properties window de-select the option Read Only (no check mark).

  5. Start TimeSource and select the proper path that TSDataV7.mdb is located (the centralized database location).
  6. You will be prompted to enter in your registration code at this workstation. Please do so. Also re-enter any additional option codes if needed by selecting File>Install New Modules from the TimeSource Menu bar.

  7. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for the remaining workstations.

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