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Move TimeSource Software and Data to a New Computer

KB0009: Move TimeSource Software and Data to a New Computer


Please use the following instructions to move the TimeSource software and your data to a new computer.

  1. On the original computer start TimeSource.

  2. From the “SwitchBoard” select “Archive”.

  3. In the “Save Archive as” window set the “Save In” drop down menu option to either your USB memory stick, CD-RW drive or a folder on the network.

  4. Select “Save” in the “Save Archive as” window to save the “archive.arc” file to the selected drive or folder.

  5. From the “SwitchBoard” select “TimeClockRules”.

  6. Print a copy of your “TimeClockRules” and exit TimeSource.

  7. Install TimeSource on the new computer.

  8. Start the TimeSource application on the new computer.

  9. In the “Installation Incomplete” window select “OK” to locate the TSDataV7.mdb database file.

  10. In the “Select Main Data” window left click once on the default TSDataV7.mdb database file, highlighting the file, and the click “Open”.

  11. Enter your registration code in the “Enable Options” window.

  12. If you have additional option codes please enter them now.

  13. From the “SwitchBoard” select “Restore”.

  14. In the “Restore Archive From” window click the “Look in” drop down field and select either the 3 1/4 floppydrive, CD drive or folder you saved the archive file to from the original TimeSource installation.

  15. Click once on the archive.arc file (or whatever you named the file) to highlight the file. Then click “Open”.

  16. Click on “Yes” in the “Append Data?” message window.

  17. From the “SwitchBoard” select “TimeClockRules”.

  18. Using the TimeClockRules print out from the original computer, set up the TimeClockRules on the new computer.

The installation and moving of your data is now complete.


How to enter Additional Option codes

Please use the following instructions to enter Additional Option codes. If you purchased additional add-on modules, the option codes for those modules are located on the first page of your manual.

  1. Start the TimeSource Software.

  2. From the “Menu” bar choose “File” and then “Install Module”.

  3. Enter the option code for the add-on module you purchased into the “Enable Options” window, and press”OK.”

  4. You should receive a message stating the option was entered successfully.

  5. Close the “Enable Options” window.

  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 until all of your additonal option codes have been entered.

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