KB0081: TimeVue Error – “TimeVue Launch Error TimeVue will not Run”
This issue is the result of incompatibilities in the latest version of the Microsoft .NET environment, which can be caused by an incomplete Windows Update. Generally, the TimeVue launcher problem will include the error code referencing “system.enterpriseservices.wrapper.dll” or a similar library file. Listed below are the steps to try and correct this issue.
Please Note: Any changes to Microsoft system files is done at your own risk. We do not support third party hardware or software products. If you have any questions concerning the steps listed below, please contact Microsoft Technical Support or your network administrator before proceeding.
- Below is a link for a .NET Framework clean-up tool. Use this to uninstall and remove all versions of the .NET framework.
.NET Framework Clean Up Tool:
- Extract the .NET Framework Clean Up Tool into a folder and execute cleanup_tool.exe.
- It will ask if you want to run the Installation Cleanup Utility. Click Yes.
- You will need to accept a EULA from Microsoft.
- A screen will come up that asks what installation you want to clean up. Select .NET 2.0 and click Cleanup Now. If you have .NET 3.0, it may require you to clean up that installation first.
- The utility will now do a clean up of the .NET Framework. When it is done, it will ask to reboot the computer. Allow it to do so.
- When the computer comes back up, the .NET Framework you selected should be uninstalled.
Next, you will need to do a complete update from Microsoft to download and reinstall the Microsoft .NET Framework. Please follow the link below to receive the downloads directly from Microsoft.
Windows Update Center
Note: You may be required to update from Microsoft multiple times before the .NET Framework is fully installed and updated. Please be patient, this can take a significant amount of time, and will require at least one computer reboot.