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Error: “Attempt to Connect Failed” with PIN Entry Ethernet Time Clocks

KB0102: Error: “Attempt to Connect Failed” with PIN Entry Ethernet Time Clocks

If you are using an Icon Time Systems Pin Entry, Ethernet time clock, the Tibbo utility software is used to set a static IP address on the clock. A virtual serial port is also created using the Tibbo VSP Manager. Refer to the Tibbo Ethernet Time Clock installation\configuration setup guide for details. Copies of the guide can be found at this link: Ethernet Setup User Guides.


  1. Go to the Tibbo\VSP Manager and select the COM port. Go to the properties screen for the COM port.
  2. Make sure you change the Transport Protocol from UDP to TCP in the Networking section of the properties screen. This is important.
  3. All other options can remain at their default settings.
  4. Click the OK button to save your changes and close down the Tibbo VSP manager.
  5. Try a clock test in the software again.
  6. If the problem continues, exit out of the software, reboot the computer, and do another clock communication test.
  7. Contact technical support if you cannot resolve this issue.


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