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Ethernet Connection Issues using Power Saving (Green) Managed Switches – SB-100 PRO/RTC-1000/Totalpass

KB0175: Ethernet Connection Issues using Power Saving (Green) Managed Switches – SB-100 PRO/RTC-1000/Totalpass


There are some new network switch products that have power saving features that may cause connection issues with RTC-1000, SB-100 PRO, or TotalPass time clocks. The Ethernet link lights on the clock will not activate.  Managed switches may include these features:

  • Ports on the switch are shut down to save power if a device is not detected or accessing the internet or the network.
  • Power to the port is adjusted after analyzing the length of the Ethernet cable. Shorter lengths require less power.


Current list of known “Green” Switches that may cause issues:

    • D-Link DGS-1024D Switch
    • Trend Net TEG S80g Switch
    • Dell Power Connect 2848
  1. If the time clock seems to be setup properly on the network and there is a connection issue, log into the switch and check the power settings and options associated with the port connected to the clock.  Disable any power saving settings for that port.
  2. If the problem continues, you can try bypassing the switch or try a different switch.
  3. Connect an intermediate switch or hub between the clock and the managed switch to boost the signal connection strength.
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