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Creating Custom reports using Custom Fields -TotalPass

KB0170: Creating Custom reports using Custom Fields -TotalPass

Employees can be grouped together in a custom report based on the value assigned to them using Employee Custom Fields.


Example: The customer has a 3 multi-clock system. The user wants to run a report for employees at a specific location or time clock.

  1. Go to Settings | Preferences | Custom Fields Tab.
  2. Create a New Title for Field 1.  In this example use: Home Department
  3. Select Employee for: Assign Field 1.
  4. Go to List Employees and bring up an employee.  A Home Department field will appear under Entry Method.
    Example:  You can create field values:  Location1, Location2, and Location3.
  5. Assign employees the same value based on their location or clock they are punching on.
    Note:  The field value is case sensitive.
  6. Go to Reports | Create Report.  The additional options should appear on the right. Select Home Department. All the field values should appear:

Select a particular location. Only employees assigned to that location will appear on the report.

Additional custom fields and values can be setup as needed.

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