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“Error 36 Initializing COM Port” – TimeVue / TimeSource Error

KB0022: “Error 36 Initializing COM Port” – TimeVue / TimeSource Error


This is usually caused by another program blocking access to the computer’s serial port that our software is trying to access. This is quite common if you have recently installed or upgraded QuickBooks on your computer.

  • Go to Windows Control Panel\Printers. Highlight the QuickBooks PDF Converter Icon in the printer device list, right mouse click, and select properties. Go to the ports tab and change the port setting from COM 1 to LPT1. The PDF converter needs to be removed from COM1.
  • Active Sink software can also cause a conflict. Right mouse click on the Active Sink icon on your Windows task bar and verify the port properties setting. Remove Active Sink from COM 1 and then poll the clock.
  • Check for any other printer devices or programs in Control Panel that might be assigned to COM 1 and assign them to a different port.
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